Apr 25, 2004

Comic Hits! X-Men draft!

Good week for comics, despite being a two Austen week (which also luckily means a two Larroca week). Both NXM 156 and UX 443 were improvements on their most recent predecessors. It looks liek the most of the New X-Men characters will be bussed to Astonishing, where Whedon will do wonders with them. Meanwhile, Uncanny characters will move to the adjectiveless X-Men, and X-Treme X-Men will now be Uncanny. The only major shifts are that Claremont trades Rogue and Gambit for Nightcrawler, and Whedon drafts Shadowcat from Claremont. Wolvie, will of course be in all three titles, plus his own book, plus Weapon X. What can I say, he must be a helluva multi-tasker.

Cable/DP 2 came out, and while nto as funny, moved the story a long nicely. It looks like the current score is Cable 2, Deadpool 1. "Well blow my mind" hehe. Runaways continues to be the most consistently good book out there, aside from maybe X-statiX. Finally, New Mutants second arc concludes. Good stuff, with a lot of character development going on all around, some very obvious, some more subtle. The art however, was pretty bad, as Beast looked completely different in every other panel. One more issue for this book and then a promotion to full fledged core book. Good for them.

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