Feb 7, 2005

24 blog

2:06PM :"Tony there could be someone following us"
"No Jack, my soul patch would have detected it."
2:11PM :Why is the SoD doing this stuff? Isn't this the job of the NSA or something? because he's Bill Devane that's why.
- Public Service Announcement: Jack Bauer stop pretending to be Kiefer Sutherland - message: Jack Bauer loves Muslims. Riiiight.
2:18PM :"I'm sure your boss will understand, and if he doesn't, I can have him killed."
2:22PM :Tony's home PC rules!
- Ahhhhh Super Bowl Commercial Reruns... cus I loved PDiddy and Co so much the first time around.
2:30PM :Torture rules in the 24 world... you don't think they would be suspicious of people who just started six hours ago!!!
2:45PM :Tony's half drunk and looking to kill terrorists! Woohoo!
3:00PM :Mebbe 2 CTU guards dead in a car explosion, white collar baddie shot too.
Body Counts:
Jack: 17 and a knee Baddies: 50 SoD: 4 Tony: 4

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