Mar 19, 2004

Comic Hits and Misses

Just finished reading (and in a few cases rereading) this weeks set of new comics. Here's what I thought of them:

Runaways 13 - This book continues to surprise and delight me. Definitely the best new book over the last year. My inner teen has simultaneous crushes on Nico ("What? I like books about monsters. Sue me...") and Karolina ("Hey I'm not from [Mars]"). Though I'll admit the Gibborim look a little to cute to be evil. Anyways, as always, I can't wait for the next issue. A-

Thanos 8 - Here's a book I just don't get. I had to read the last two issues about three times each to figure out what's going on. Its way too complicated, and I feel like the complication mask a general lack of comprehensive story. I'm not sure this book will last past issue 12. Nice to see Gladiator, but whets he doing in jail? I can't remember what happened to him at the end of Imperial, the last X-Men story we saw him in. C

New Mutants 10 - Great issue! Just about every character got some face time here, which is no small task. We learned more of Electro street girl, David was a jerk some more and got called don it, the young boys worshipped Emma Frost and her cleavage, and we got a beginning of answers for why Rahne's so different. Perfect blend of plot and characterization. A

X-Treme X-Men 43 - I can't help but imagine how much I'd be enjoying this book if it was still Sal drawing instead of Igor Kordey. Still, this arc has been Claremont's best in my opinion. The pacing is work, there enough action in each issue, and Kitty is back! Great scene with Rogue and Kitty
Rogue: That why you plan to quit?
Kitty: Like that's proving a big success.
Only a few more issues then this book is gone and Excalibur is back, without Igor Kordey, praise Jebus. This issue gets a B- for good story but terrible art.

Weapon X 19 - Finally the beginning of an arc where stuff gets set up. "Underground" left a bad taste in my mouth and "Defection" was just stupid. I review this book for and I'll post the full review here when I finish it. In the meantime, this book gets a B

New X-Men 154 - Well, we finally made it. The end of Grant Morrison's epic run and we only lost two major characters. Granted, they were Magneto and Jean Grey, but we lose those two all the time. They'll both be back circa X3's release date. I loved just about everything about the end of "Here Comes Tommorrow" it answered just enough to satisfy me (Hanks fate, Apollyon's identity, Sublime's true form, Barnell Bohusk's legacy, Scott's acceptance of his place in the world) yet had enough danglers that we might never know the truth about (Three-in-One's longevity, Cassandra Nova's reappearance, the Proud People, the Order of the Phoenix's). Mark Silvestri should be forced to stay permanently on this book. Let's see how quickly Chuck Austen can ruin this book. A

That's all the comics from this week, I'll be back later with a full review of Weapon X. Next week Cable/Deadpool comes out!

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